Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Assigment 6

  1. Do you think the results are 100% accurate? Why or why not?
Yes, most of the answers are opinions, so you can't really tell if they're accurate or not because they mainly express their preferences in daily life situations.
  1. How much of an impact do you think the wording of the questions has on the answers you received?
No, I don't believe the way I wrote the questions affected or influenced the way people should answer my questions, it was more of a common type of writing for them to express themselves throughout the questions
  1. Did you get the results you expected from your online polls? Why?
Well, I did not really expect something in particular, but the answers I got looked pretty much like how I would answer those questions if I was answering the poll, so yes, I did got the answers I expected.
  1. If you wanted to do an online poll with the students of Technologico de Montorrey asking them how much time and effort they spent doing homework this year, what are the steps you would take to complete that online poll?
Ask questions about each class, and then ask for their opinion for each subject, after that then I can do a poll that is based on the survey.
  1. Do you think online polling could help the administration of Tech de Montorrey find out more about their students? Or do you think that the results would not be accurate? Why or why not?
Yes. the results would obviously be accurate because students are always trying to make the environment in the one they're studying a better place, so it would be an excellent idea to help improve Tec de Monterrey
  1. How do you think the results of your polls would be different if you asked your classmates the questions in person?
most of them would be afraid to say what they really think, but if you ask an online poll most of the students won't be afraid and would answer with the truth, that way the results would be trustworthy and you could use them for any purpose.
  1. In what ways do you think online polling using Google Spreadsheets can be improved? Or was it easier to create an online poll than you originally thought? Explain.
I think that Google is enough simple and easy to use so users can do online polls with no problem and the only thing that I would probably improve is more different designs that users can use to do polling more fun.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Assignment 5

1. In your own words describe how the workplace culture at Google encourages innovation and unique creations for the company? How does working at Google and the environment there affect its workers?
The workers in there work even better because they can feel free to express themselves, they can do what they want, things that you would never imagine, such as gym, free food, massages, laundry, cars, all of that for free for the employees to feel more comfortable and for them to like their jobs, if they like their job they would eventually work better and the results of that better working would make Google improve even more than usual.

2. How does employee freedom, like the 20% of free time Google encourages its employees to spend on any project they want, deliver better business?
  Because the employees can just do something wild, out of the usual, something that they think that would make google better, it improves a lot the way google is friendly with the users and it also makes the people feel more relative to the program. The employees have that 20% of their time to do anything they want, any wild idea, modification project they have on mind that I they think is a good idea google would automatically modify google to that idea, that also makes the people that work there to feel like their ideas do matter in a huge way and that what they do if is creative would be taken into consideration.

3. What are the requirements to work for Google? And what is different about the way they hire employees at Google?

You need to be really creative, creative enough to come up with designs, to think out o the box and think different than others because they would obviously wont need a normal person but someone that has potential an that's worth the try, you need to be able to work with a team, have leadership because most of the time you would be working with a new project in the one you have to be the leader and come up with great ideas

4. How many search queries does Google handle a day?
Every day Google answers more than one billion questions from people around the globe in 181 countries in 146 different languages

5. In your own words discuss how Google's constantly refined search algorithm changed the way we all access and even think about information.
Having algorithms does really helps people specially when you're not really sure about what you're going to search so you jut type in a few words, and it also makes the search easier because it immediately searches for information that they consider accurate, which most of the time is right.

6. Take a look at the following story about Google's top secret data center. Now why would Google want to keep its server room as a secret?

Because if everybody could access to the data center the way that Google works could be copied from other search engines, and then Google would no longer be unique or special and yet not the best searching web page world-wide.

7. What are the benefits of working as a Google employee?

There are many services and is a friendly environment. Its all amazing, from getting free food, to free doctors visit and much more. You have free time that you could spend it in the library or in other places and the offices are different making working for Google a joyful experience.
you can clean your clothes in their installations, there are different restaurants and you can eat in them by free, also there is a room for the employees that has fish tanks so they can relax and after it work better, also they have sleep balls.

8. Name at least 5 different positions at Google (ex: software engineer, Google tester, interaction designer) and describe what they do?
  • Google glasses
  • robots  according to the New York Times.
  • driver-less cars 
  • clean energy
  • new drugs

9. Talk about at least 3 projects that Google is currently working on. What do they want to accomplish? How long will they take to complete?
-Google Glass- Lets you read your tweets, and a lot of other things without having to pull out your phone. It is expected to release a consumer version of Glass next year.
-Android Home- Aims to connect your entire house to the internet like something out of a sci-fi movie. No date or known time to get this done.
-Elevator to space
-Android-powered smart watch

10. Look at the following story about why recent college graduates should not work for Google. Why does the writer argue recent graduates should not work at Google?
the prefer that the recent graduates create heir own companies that to work for a company that is already one of the best ones in the world, the want new companies in the market to make competition to Google.
He thinks is no longer a start-up because he thinks is better for working in a small company. If they worked for a small company they have more responsibilities than just following a crowd of people. Is better to do and accomplish someone's little idea or project and make it happen.

11. How is Google the same or different than other search engines, like Yahoo or Bing?
Google gives stuff for free while Yahoo and Bing doesn't. Google is the leader in Searching all over the world and in addition a very mature and sophisticated search engine. Bing is infancy and has yet to develop some of the rich indexing capabilities that exist with Google. Bing does not offer Canonical URL management in their Webmaster Center.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Assignment 4

Assignment 4
View the animate video Are you past oriented or future oriented. 

In at least 3-5 sentences answer the following questions.

1. Discuss what the main idea of the video is?
there are three types of people, the future-minded, present-minded, and past-minded. the past-minded people focus on the past, the good and bad things about the past. Present-minded are people that only live the present and try to enjoy as much as possible with less pain as possible. The Future-minded people start thinking about the future, do things that would affect for good in the future and try to be as successful as possible.
 2. Do you see yourself as past oriented or future oriented? Why?
future oriented, I usually think about what I want to do and try to sacrifice as much as necessary to get it, and I usually try not to waste my time in thinking about the things that happened in the past, I think ''What is in the past is already done, focus on the future you're creating today''
3. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker in the video? Explain why?
I agree because what he explains that m
ost of the people waste a lot of time in thinking about the past and some others think about the present a lot, those are the ones that tent to be successful it's actually true!and that's why he says that the technology is not that bad, because it actually helps people think in a bigger way, but it also has it's disadvantages such as not spending that much time with family and the thought that classes are boring and tedious.
4.Why does the narrator in the video argue that young people dislike a single-function device such as a wristwatch? 
Because they think ''Why using a single-function device when you can use a multiple-function device that helps you do more things at a time and makes you waste less time to think and start doing things that you want to do in the future.

View this video on the creator of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berner's Lee.

In at least 3-5 sentences answer the following questions.

1. Why did Sir Tim Berner's Lee decide to make the World Wide Web free when he created it at CERN?
Tim Berber lee wanted the World Wide Web to be available for everyone. He wanted everyone to have the opportunity to use it. He believed that it was not something that you should be paying for, but instead be free for everyone.

2. What are the benefits of having "web addresses," an idea that Sir Tim Berner's Lee created?
It is a great idea because there are so many web pages on the internet that with this each site will have its own address. If all websites had the same address you would not be able to find the website you are looking for. Also, the idea of having the web address translated from "computer" language to our language was a great idea because that way we can understand what it is saying. 
3. How does the World Wide Web allow people from all over the world to communicate?
We can communicate through blogs, social networks, e-mails, and via other methods thanks to the world wide web. We can talk to people from the other side of the world instantly. The world wide web has facilitated humans to communicate to other people in a cheaper and faster way. 
4. Why is it important to link information? What are the benefits of having instant access to information?
Because of links, webpages are all connected as the word says, a "web." We are able to take ourselves form one site to another with just a click. It is easier and faster because it takes you instantly to the next page you want to go to.